Probably everyone can remember at least a few of the major disaster predictions in our lifetime. Overpopulation, global cooling, radioactive fallout, ozone depletion, nuclear winter, silent spring, SARS and Y2K, just off the top of my head. These panics run their course - people get bored waiting for the end of the world, theories fall apart and we move on. But there's a huge difference with the latest one - the global warming scare comes with a big fat price tag.
It has gone from an environmental issue to a political issue, and inevitably to a financial one. Fueled by propaganda like "An Inconvenient Truth", climate hysteria has spread world-wide like a giant international case of the clap. There are now an awful lot of pigs feeding at the carbon trough and they're not going to pull their snouts out without a fight. Al Gore is just loving it - he flies to his save-the-planet rallies in jets that puke out thousands of pounds of co2, but that's ok, because he's filthy rich and can purchase carbon credits to "offset" it. From himself.
And while he's onstage congratulating himself as the new environmental messiah, he's got his limo running outside so he can ride in air-conditioned comfort back to the airport. What a hypocrite. He probably has shoes that cost more than my annual hydro bill, but I'm supposed to keep my nasty little carbon footprint off Big Brother's nice clean rug. I don't think so.
Now that government and big business have become involved, it is politically incorrect to even question the theory of man-made climate change. Scientists who do so are criticized, ostracized and ridiculed. They endure job discrimination and funding cuts - as with any political issue, the big research and development money goes to the people who produce the right answers. The media tells us what to think as usual, slanting our views in the accepted direction with biased reporting and misinformation, right down to the language that they use: people who disagree are "deniers", and have been equated with Holocaust deniers (a cheap shot in lieu of honest debate). Environmental extremists like David Suzuki have even advocated throwing people in jail for having the wrong opinion.
The whole thing has become an embarrassment to many legitimate scientists, who realize that the credibility of their profession is being undermined by this insistence that co2 is a major problem despite evidence to the contrary. Why pick on poor old carbon dioxide? It makes up less than .04% of the atmosphere. How about a breathing tax - we exhale it. It is not a pollutant, it's a naturally occurring substance that is necessary for life. In fact, higher atmospheric levels in the past have produced beneficial effects on humanity due to increased plant growth.
Right now there are scientists and economists all over the world protesting this "consensus" that the debate is over, but the politicians don't want to wait until all the facts are in. Oh, no: it's a crisis, a catastrophe, a state of emergency - we must ACT NOW or we are all doomed. Yeah, yeah, I know the routine - grab your wallet and bend over. Once the controls and restrictions are in place, the facts won't matter anyway.
It won't matter that co2 is not wreaking havoc on our planet. Or that this monumental waste of time, money and energy could be put to far better use helping people develop resources and improve their standard of living. The global warming fanatics will never admit this, because the carbon credit scam is one of the biggest cash grabs ever to come down the pike. With what some see as the potential for global enforcement of carbon regulation, new laws are going to be making a lot of rich people even richer. And we'll be paying for it.
Dead Right Mrs Pelican! You can't spout about saving the environment as long as you are cutting down trees to wipe your Pierre Cardin covered rear end on! We also need money to live, therefore money is a re-newable resource. If those wankers put a twenty cents Carbon Tax on my gas, I have to find another twenty cents to drive to work and stay longer (using up more of my resources) to make some more money to pay that extra twenty cents that I need to get to work to earn........!
ReplyDeleteSorry L, I should have written "non-renewable resource", as we are now finding out vis the bloody economic mess! I'm wondering if a global economic crash might be the best way to solve our environmental probs? What think you? If the Carbon Taxers are out of business, and have to go to the fields and plant their own potatoes instead of stealing ours(taxes), maybe we might all be better off in the long run...which is what we will be doing soon anyway, running that is, as we won't be able to afford the gas to get to work to earn some money to....
ReplyDeleteGillian, I agree - I think a total economic crash would be the ONLY thing that would get the attention of those at the top. Right now they can well afford their fancy lifestyles while telling us to wipe our butts with pine cones and save the trees, but OMIGOD if they had to give up their planes and limos. But what do I know - apparently now if you don't agree with the global warming alarmists you are not only a criminal but also crazy (a Mar 7/09 conference in Bristol focuses on the mental health problems of climate change "deniers"). Now that's got to be a REAL wanker-fest!
ReplyDeleteMaybe someone should start selling "intelligence credits" so people like Al can "offset" their stupidity! Big bucks to be made! ;)