Tuesday, November 24, 2009


AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Vindication!!! Schadenfreude!!! Good old-fashioned outright absolute GLOATING!!! Yes! It has finally happened - Climategate - and I'm doing the happy dance.
When the story broke a few days ago it just seemed too good to be true, but now it has been confirmed and it's the mother of all Christmas presents for the climate realists. Information has been released from the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit in the U.K. outlining the nefarious activities of those in the climate lying/carbon persecution/green fraud business. A file containing over a thousand e-mails and documents has been obtained by persons unknown and posted on the internet. Hackers are being widely credited for this, but many people believe it is the work of an insider who was just fed up with the corruption, which makes more sense to me. However, blaming "hackers" and focusing on the criminality of leaking the information allows the perpetrators to attempt to gain the moral high ground in the press. What a laugh - if it was an environmentalist busting Exxon for the same kind of shenanigans, the media would be all over it praising the whistleblower as the savior of humanity.
But amazingly enough this development is actually getting some media attention, in some cases even acknowledging the wrongdoing of the climate fraudsters and supporting an investigation into it. I should hope so, since the incriminating e-mails include references to deleting files in order to thwart freedom of information requests, preventing peer-review and publication of papers which do not support the theory of anthropogenic global warming, and fudging data to "hide the decline" in temperatures. This is pretty nasty stuff and it will not be possible to sweep it under the rug like in the good old days when we depended on the mainstream media to tell us what our opinions should be.
When the actual observations don't fit their predictions, they blame the data. Mother Nature not co-operating? Temperatures embarrassingly dropping? Well then: "the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate". Yes, that must be it. It couldn't possibly be a flawed computer model - it's supposed to be WARMING, goddammit!!! The X-box says so!!!!
It's about to get hotter for the alarmists all right, but not in quite the way they had envisioned. Senator Inhofe in the U.S., a longtime opponent of the global warming scam, has stated that he will be calling for an investigation into the matter and I will certainly be looking forward to seeing that condescending dimwit Barbara Boxer try to squirm her way out of this one (I've never forgiven her for being so appallingly rude to Michael Crichton). There's a little something for your buddy BHO to take to Copenhagen, missy.
Just going to algorelied.com or climatedepot.com gives links to hundreds of articles documenting and discussing the perversion of science that has been allowed to take place in the name of cheating taxpayers out of billions of dollars and saddling us with insane carbon-related regulations. Of course, the alarmist community will have no problem throwing these guys under the bus; they will declare it outrageous, call for resignations, play the "one bad apple" card, and then go right back to lying through their teeth about exactly the same things.
Even the Goracle is not leaping to their defense - I went to his lame website (it's a necessary evil, like cleaning out the kitty-litter box, but you just have to hold your nose and do it) and he is keeping his piehole firmly shut on this one. I didn't even know he was capable of that, but who would have expected otherwise - there is no honor among thieves.
These indications of foul play are not surprising to climate realists - Chris Horner cites many examples of exactly this type of thing in his excellent book Red Hot Lies, and the climate blogosphere is rife with articles debunking such fabrications as Mann's famous hockey stick, the hurricane connection and ridiculous predictions of catastrophic sea level rise. Lawrence Solomon's book The Deniers also has some good information, but most people just aren't interested enough in the subject to read up on it. They should, because if this deception is allowed to continue we are going to find ourselves in a different world, with all aspects of our lives micromanaged under the guise of saving the planet from evil CO2 emissions. Addressing this latest development in the mainstream media will lead people into becoming more informed, even if only out of curiosity. Nothing like a good scandal to get people's attention, and the more they learn about this issue, the less likely they will be to fall for "green" solutions to nonexistent problems, or to fork over money for dubious "research".
Cost of financing the global warming scam: Billions
Cost to all of us if cap and trade passes: Unlimited
Catching climate liars with their pants down: PRICELESS!!!
Schadenfreude. Sometimes you just can't say it in English.

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