Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well, I see my old buddy Shallow Al Gore took a pretty good pigbeating at the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change a few days ago. Sponsored by the Heartland Institute, it was attended by almost eight hundred people, including scientists, economists, and even (gasp!) interested politicians. Seventy-five speakers from meteorologists to astrophysicists came forward to voice their concerns over the global warming fraud.
You couldn't swing a cat in there without hitting a PhD, so this wasn't some mickey mouse gathering of crackpots. Video from the conference is available on-line at and it was indeed heartening to hear rational discussion instead of the blatant fearmongering we've been subjected to in the interest of hosing the taxpayer.
Ironically, as I was writing this I heard the words "climate change" on my television. Sure enough, there was the standard bike-helmeted nitwit telling me to get my ass over to Environment Canada's website and find out what I should feel guilty about this week. So I did. No surprise there - a wealth of outdated misinformation on climate, and some pointers on windmills, light bulbs and calculating my carbon footprint. Actually, there was a ton of suggestions for decarbonizing my entire existence, but I didn't want to hang around there too long in case stupidity is contagious.
They handily provide a link to Health Canada's climate change site, so I went there too - and found a list of predicted "health vulnerabilities" related to global warming. For instance: cold and heat related illnesses ( you gotta wonder how much it cost for some numbskull to come up with that one), damaged public health infrastructure ( oh, please God, yes), heart attacks, diarrhea(?!!), and of course their favorite bogeyman, cancer. They like cancer so much they even listed it twice. Good old cancer, a most profitable commodity in this age of fear. Everything gives you cancer, so probably best to just stay home holed up in your closet clutching a bag of bean sprouts and a dog-eared copy of An Inconvenient Truth. Or the Canada food guide.
Although, if you actually do get cancer, and you probably will if you live long enough, good luck getting treatment or a bed in a hospital. There isn't any money for that because too much has been squandered on telling you how to live so you won't get cancer and die. Which is the impossible dream - you can follow all the health guidelines, live an exemplary life and then get cancer anyway. And die. Because valuable resources are being wasted on "healthy living" promotion instead of finding alternatives to barbaric treatments like chemotherapy.
This bogus global warming business is being approached in the same way. If the world decides to warm up, our feeble efforts are going to be like a spit in the ocean. What inflated idea of self-importance has led us to think that we can control nature? If the earth was actually warming, which it isn't, wouldn't it make more sense to be planning strategies for dealing with it instead of bankrupting ourselves in a futile attempt to stave it off?
The voice of reason is finally being heard. First on the internet, then slowly filtering into the mainstream media as it becomes painfully obvious that the public is being taken for a ride. When enough people have wised up, the profiteers will drop the global warming cause faster than rats leaving a sinking ship (or Al Gore fleeing a public debate). But meanwhile, how much money has been wasted? How many acres of farmland hijacked to produce biofuel? How many businesses losing money, shutting down or scrapped in the making because of anticipated environmental costs? We are forking over billions of dollars to do penance for an imaginary sin, and I'm sick of being expected to feel ashamed of enjoying a decent standard of living.
If anyone wants to feel guilty, go take a look at the impact of the global warming scare on development in the third world countries. That should make you feel a lot sadder than contemplating the fictitious plight of the polar bears.

Some good videos on YouTube: The Language of Fear (Michael Crichton), States of Fear: Science or Politics? (Michael Crichton parts 1-7), The Great Global Warming Swindle (parts 1-9)

Some informative sites:,,


  1. Nice Letter in the rag Mrs P! Let them with wood smoke sensitive lungs burn in the fires of hell! I'm so "incensed" I'm gonna set fire to the house! Ha Ha! Let them complain about that! As a PS I hear that at least one of the complainants has and uses his own wood stove? Duh!!!

  2. Don't worry, I hear there's going to be a ban on wood stoves soon too...
